The D-WISE Network is proud to present its 2022 Social Impact Report.
The aim of this short piece of research is to present and propose indicators for measuring the impact of D-WISEs. It was concluded in September 2022, after more than a year of work and a consultation process with the members of the D-WISE Network Member Organizations from across Europe. The report was discussed and presented at a high-level meeting organized by the Network on 27 September 2022, with speakers from the European Commission’s Directorate for Employment, the European Disability Forum and the European Platform for Rehabilitation, as well as the D-WISE Network members and partners.
The methodology applied to produce the research findings, as explained by Section 3, includes both research and theoretical background, which derives from article 27 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD). This Section also outlines the research and data collection methods, which were primarily through literature reviews of already-existing indicators measuring D-WISE’s impact, indicators relating to human, disability and labour rights, as well as impact indicators of social economy actors. The report also collected data via surveying the D-WISE Network members, done over 2021-2022. Section 4 describes the international and European policy contexts influencing D-WISE operations. Getting into the report's main subject, Sections 5, 6 and 7 discuss the state of play about social impact measurement, review existing indicators relating to human rights, disability rights, labour market and/or social economy, and finally, design the proposed indicators.
The report includes a concrete proposal with 18 indicators in 7 thematic areas on how to measure impact. Those thematic areas are: (1) social inclusion of persons that benefit from those programmes, (2) access to work and employment, (3) working conditions, (4) incomes and revenues, (5) education and training, (6) linkage with social protection floors/systems and (7) ICT skills.
It concludes, overall, it is a difficult task to measure social impact indicators, as there is no definition or way to measure social impact. There is no solution so far to match all the members of the network, so the proposal for indicators should allow for flexibility to build their own models. All in all, the measuring of impact can help justify both the financial support from governments, and also the reality of the social impact that the creation of jobs generates. In addition, the report shows that organizations find this difficult as they do not have dedicated staff towards measuring impact.
The 2022 Social Impact Report is available in the following link.