Listado de noticias
On 22 October 2021 the European Platform for Rehabilitation (EPR) hosted a webinar in partnership with the D-WISE Network in order to take stock of the situation of the sector in Europe.
Join our interactive webinar with EPR about the role and contribution of WISEs (Work Inclusion Social Enterprises) to the labour inclusion of persons with disabilities.
Discover the findings of the D-WISE network research 'Towards inclusive employment of persons with disabilities', learn about inspiring case studies and follow a policy debate with representatives from the European Parliament, the European Disability Forum, and the European Commission.
On Friday 22 October from 10:00 to 12:00 CET, the D-WISE Network and EPR organize a webinar on Work Integration Social Enterprises and their contribution to the labour inclusion of persons with disabilities.
El 17 de junio de 2021, las Europarlamentarias Europeas Estrella Durá y Alicia Homs organizaron un debate online llamado “¿Cuál es el futuro de las empresas inclusivas?” que exploró la conexión entre la economía social y las autodenominadas empresas inclusivas.
Network of inclusive companies employing persons with disabilities across Europe
El 21 y 22 de octubre de 2019 los socios del proyecto se reunieron en París, en la sede de APF France Handicap, en un seminario de dos días para discutir el progreso del proyecto.
El encuentro incluyó la presentación del Marco Regulatorio de la Unión Europea en el empleo de las personas con discapacidad por parte de la Experta en Diversidad y Discapacidad Nadège Riche, y un debate sobre el estado de situación del Sector Europeo de la Economía Social.
En Europa
On the 11th of December, the D-WISE Network held a high-level event on Employment and Persons with Disabilities at ONCE Foundation’s Hub Por Talento Digital, in Madrid.
On Wednesday 14 December 2022, the D-WISE network met online for its second bi-annual meeting for 2022. The purpose of the meeting was to update members on the Network’s workplan for 2023, exchange on the national state of play of legislation affecting WISEs in Europe, and to update members on European initiatives that they can contribute to. The network also welcomed ADV Romania in its membership.
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